Friday, 17 April 2015

School Place Lottery!

So its that time of the year again where parents are finding out what Primary School their children are getting into. I have been reading many unhappy comments online about this from many parents and the situation seems to be getting worse every year especially in Crawley.

The government or council however you wish to look at it seem to be making decisions for our children's future based on NO Common Sense at all!

I remember when I was younger and the situation then repeated itself with my 2 younger brothers everybody seemed to go to school in the same Neighbourhood they lived in that was the whole point of each Neighbourhood having a Primary School to go to one outside of your "Area" took a lot of hard work for parents unless it was a Church School or a school with specialised facilities for children that needed extra help with learning.

The fact is this having a sibling that attends that school and location should be the top 2 priorities for anyone deciding where a child should go to school but this situation is currently not occuring and is failing parents that work by placing children in schools at opposite ends of the town.

Surely if you want people to work and you want people to be able to work whilst children are at school you need to make it easier for parents where possible to do so! We live in a time where money is hard to come by for some people and making them take a bus journey 4 times in a day does nothing to help these people get to school!

Yet again there is a complete failure of the local system to provide people with what they need to lead more prosperous lives and even with that taken out of consideration how about trying to help parents rather than penalising them for having more than one child.