Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Sunday Trading Laws Are They Passed Their Sell By Date?

Slightly off topic this one and first post that will encompass the whole country rather than just Crawley however the back bone for this idea I came upon whilst shopping in Crawley the other day.

Sunday trading laws came into being in 1994 before that and I remember when I was a kid that Sunday's were a day we could not go into town or go to the shop and get anything. The law came in and allowed the shops to open for 6 hours on a Sunday.

Now for me this law is outdated 21 years later and needs reviewing I think the days of people not shopping on a Sunday are long gone and would be more beneficial to people if shops had the same freedom to open for as long on a Sunday as they can on any other day of the week.

We live in a world now were we have everything at our fingertips 24 hours a day and I wanted to purchase something but was 16:50 on a Sunday I knew I could not get to town before closing so I ordered online and had it delivered instead of waiting until the following weekend to go into town and purchase it instead.

I think Crawley is a great example of the death of the high street just take a look at Queens Square and you have to feel that the people in power have neglected to notice the change in consumer behaviour and as such are forcing people to shop online rather than supporting the shops of their town's. 

If I look around Crawley now and the number of big name shops that have left the town for a number of reasons I wonder if some could of survived longer if they had been allowed to trade freely.

I think this law is one that was written before the internet came to be the force it is now and has not been reviewed in over 20 years and is certainly one that could also benefit the UK economy if shops were allowed to trade for longer and truly make the high street a 7 day a week business!

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