Friday, 8 May 2015

General Election Over!

So General Election has concluded and for Crawley it means 5 years further with Henry Smith MP at the table for our town.

Firstly congratulations Henry Smith.

Secondly I think we really do need someone to stand up for Crawley to the government and stop the cuts to our Fire Service drive forwards with getting a FULL hospital for Crawley not just more nurses and doctors in a building that is under used.

I would suggest that despite the fact our representative has not changed we do need things in the town to change. We have put up with potholes in our roads for to long and this needs to change for a start along with investment in the town to help it become the thriving place it once was.

I have no particular affinity to any political party I only want what is best for the town however I recognise that my fellow residents of Crawley have elected Henry Smith now he needs to deliver some kind of change.

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